Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last Two Self Portraits

This was my second photo that made me realize that my lips are super big... But I have enjoyed sketching and drawing this semester. I'll probably take another drawing class next semester.

This was my final and not so handsome drawing it reminds me of the movie Hitch where Will smith eats the shrimp and has an allergic reaction to the food. 

Sketch-Model with Blanket

Never thought I'd find someone to let me draw them, but I did and to see her face after the drawing was done was hilarious. she said I had talent, but may need to take another class to have more of an understanding about how shading works.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Final Self Portrait

I just realize that my eyes are big... For this assignment I was able to create one self portrait of of myself and I think I did a fairly good job. I did struggle on make the face look chubby, but I enjoyed the assignment.

This is me what more can I say except I look bigger than what I am.

Landscape Sketches

Carpool lane at school to pick up kids

Abandoned Hot Dog restaurant on Milbrook Road

This was my first landscape sketch and I decided to do it of the trees in front of my office

Past by a cow grazing in the field on my way to Asheville, NC